KAMUS Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Depdiknas, 2002;585
Komunikasi: Pengiriman dan penerimaan pesan atau berita antara dua orang atau lebih, sehingga pesan yang dimaksud dapat di pahami; hubungan; kontak; perhubungan.
Onong Udijana Effendi, Prof. Dr.,Kamus Komunikasi, 1989;60.
Komunikasi: Proses penyampaian suatu pesan dalam bentuk lambang bermakna sebagai panduan pikiran dan perasaan berupa ide (informasi, keperluan, harapan, himbauan, dan sebagainya) yang dilakukan seseorang kepada orang lain, baik langsung secara tatap muka maupun tidak langsung melalui media dengan tujuan mengubah sikap, pandangan, atau perilaku.
Ruslan Hadi, SH. MM., Model Penelitian Public Relations dan Komunikasi, 2003
“The transmission of into, idea, attitudes, or emotional from one person or group to another (or other) primarily through symbols.” (Theodorson, dalam Rosady Ruslan, 2003:1)
“in most generally sense, we have communication wherever one system, a source, influence another, the destination by manipulation of alternative symbols, which can transmited over the channel connecting them.” (C.E. Osgood, dalam Rosady Ruslan, 2003:1)
“Communication maybe can defined as social interaction through messages.” (Gerber, dalam Rosady Ruslan, 2003:2)
“Mass communication comprise the institution and techniques by which specialized group employ technological devices (press, radio, film, etc.) to disseminate symbolic content to large, heterogeneous, and widely dispersed audiences.” (Janowitz, dalam Rosady Ruslan, 2003:2)
Drs. T. May Rudi, SH., Komunikasi dan Humas Internasional, 2005
Komunikasi adalah Proses penyampaian informasi-informasi, pesan-pesan, gagasan-gagasan, atau pengertian-pengertian, dengan menggunakan lambang-lambang yang mengandung arti atau makna, baik secara verbal maupun non verbal dari seseorang atau sekelompok orang kepada seseorang atau sekelompok orang lainnya dengan tujuan untuk mencapai saling pengertian dan atau kesepakatan bersama. (T. May Rudi,2005:1)
“Communication is the process of transmitting meaningful symbols between individuals.” (William Albig, Bernard Barelson, dan Berry A. Stainer, seperti dikutip oleh Djoenarsih,1991:16 dan dikutip kembali oleh T. May Rudi,2005:1)
Komunikasi adalah penyampaian informasi, gagasan, emosi, keterampilan, dan sebagainya dengan menggunakan bahasa, gambar-gambar, bilangan, grafik, dan lain-lain. (Bernard Barelson, dan Berry A. Stainer, seperti diterjemahkan oleh O.U.Efendy,1992:48 dan dikutip oleh T. May Rudi,2005:1)
Moekijat,Drs.,Teori Komunikasi, Mandar Maju,Bandung:1993
Communication is the intercange of information, ideas, attitudes, thoughts, and/or opinions. (Dale Yoder dkk., dalam Moekijat, 1993:1)
Communication as the process by which people attempt to share meaning via the transmission of symbolic messages.( Stoner dan Wankel, dalam Moekijat, 1993:2)
Communication is the transfer of information and understanding from person to person. (Dale S. Beach, dalam Moekijat, 1993:2)
Communication is the transfer of information from the sender to the receiver with the information being understand by the receiver. (Harold Koontz dkk, dalam Moekijat,
Communication is often referred to as the network that binds together all of the members and activities within and organization. (Chruden dan Sherman, dalam Moekijat, 1993:2)
Communication can be defined as the transmission of information between two or more person. (Wexley dan Yuki, dalam Moekijat, 1993:3)
Communication is the transfer of information and anderstanding from one person to another. (Hicks dan Gullet, dalam Moekijat, 1993:3)
Communication is the act of inducing others to interpret an idea in the manner intended by the speaker or writer.( Edwin B. Flippo, dalam Moekijat, 1993:3)
Communication is the transfer of information and anderstanding from one person to another person.( Werther dan Keith Davis, dalam Moekijat, 1993:3)
Communication is the transference and understanding of meaning.(Stephen P. Robbins, dalam Moekijat, 1993:3)
Communication is the art of developing and attaining understnding between people. It is the process of exchanging infomation and feelings between two or more people, and it is essential to effective management. (Tertry dan Franklin, dalam Moekijat, 1993:4)
Communication is the force that binds the people of an organization together. (Dale Yoder dan Paul D. Staudohar, dalam Moekijat, 1993:4)
Communication is the process of transmitting information, meaning, and understanding from one person, place, or thing to another person, place, or thing. (Andrew F. Sikula, dalam Moekijat, 1993:4)
Communication is the transmision of thoughts opinions, information, or attitudes by speech, writing or signs. (Marvin E. Mundel, P.E.,dalam Moekijat, 1993:4)
Communication means getting across ideas and information to another person. (Manoppa dan Saiyadain, dalam Moekijat, 1993:4)
Communication may be said to be the process by which ght s transferred from a person to another person or persons. (Pitfield, dalam Moekijat, 1993:4)
Communication can be simply defined as the process of passing infomation and anderstnding from one person to another. (Scanlan dan Bernad Keys, dalam Moekijat, 1993:4)
Communication is the proses or exchanging information and transmitting meaning between people. (Burack dan mathys, dalam Moekijat, 1993:4)
Communications-the exchange of information between people. (Feildman and Arnold,dalam Moekijat, 1993:5)
Communication is the process by which people at work at organizations transmit information to one another and interpret its meaning. (Hampton, dalam Moekijat, 1993:5)
Communication is a process which information is exchanged between or among individual through a common system of symbols, sign, and behaviour. (Himstreet and Baty, dalam Moekijat, 1993:5)
Communication is the mutual interchange of ideas by any effective means.(McLaughlin dkk, dalam Moekijat, 1993:5)